Renew Your Mental Energy
14 page eBook packed full of practical information to help you get back your focus, concentration and brain power.
Negativity, a terrible diet, terrible sleeping patterns, no social life… does this sound like you? If it does, then it’s a clear sign that you just aren’t looking after yourself. Be honest with yourself. How do you respond to the increasing demands of your life?
At work, you put in more hours. It seems to be the only area that gets the best of you. Is it really the best of you, though? Those long hours impact every aspect of your life and it leaves you emotionally, physically, and mentally drained.
While time may be limited, energy certainly isn’t. It’s something that you can renew, particularly when it comes to mental energy. One of the most efficient ways to tackle this is to change the behaviors that deplete most of your mental energy. From there, you can tackle the rest.
We have four different energies that we rely on – in addition to our mental energy, there is emotional energy, spiritual energy, and of course physical energy. They are all important, but a lack of mental energy has a knock-on effect on the rest of them. That’s why mental health days exist.
Note: This eBook, as with all content on Sharing Experience Strength & Hope, is provided for your personal use only and cannot be republished or resold by you.