Sex and/or Love Addiction

Sex and/or Love Addiction

If you have arrived at this page wondering if you or someone you care about might be a sex and/or love addict, welcome.   As we say in the meetings “it takes a lot of courage to walk in the door of your first meeting.”

Sex and Love Addiction is not generally thought of as the “cool club” in our society.  I was completely convinced that SLAA was NOT for me just based on the name.  In my mind I pictured a room full of miscreants and just plain weirdos who wouldn’t have a thing to offer me.  Boy was I wrong.

What I found in SLAA and other “S” meetings was a whole bunch of people just like me struggling to understand how their interpersonal relationships all their lives had gone so wrong.    They weren’t weird or broken any more than I was.  These people had wisdom to teach me about how to grow up and learn to be a full functioning adult.   I arrived in the program fearing that I was uniquely broken and fundamentally unloving and unlovable   I discovered along the way that perhaps I even love deeper than most because of this addiction.   My life is immensely richer from working this program in particular.

I strongly encourage you to have an open mind in exploring all that the “S” fellowships have to offer.   Below are links to some of the official fellowship resources.   You can also check out related blog posts and suggested books from Sharing Experience Strength & Hope.

Sex & Love Addiction

Sex & Love Addiction (SLAA) fellowship resources

Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) fellowship resources

Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) fellowship resources

SA 20 Questions to Test Yourself:

SA Problem:

SA Problem and Solution:

Center for Healthy Sex

The Center for Healthy Sex in California also has a handy 25 question on-line assessment for Love Addiction here.

Questions People Ask:

How do I know if I’m a Sex and Love Addict?

In the end only you can answer that question. Most people find the 12 Characteristics of Sex and Love Addiction to be a helpful place to start and see if any of those apply.

What are SLAA meetings like?

SLAA meetings are like all twelve step meetings all over the world. Each community and each meeting is unique but follows the same general framework. The meetings are an opportunity for members to share their experience, strength and hope about recovery from sex and love addiction. Members identify themselves by first name only. Our stories disclose what we were like, what happened to change us, and what we are like now. Meetings may have formats relating to Step Study, Newcomer, Speaker, Getting Current, etc. Meetings may be closed (for identified sex and love addicts only) or open to all persons.

What’s the difference between S.L.A.A. and S.A. or S.A.A.?

All of these are Twelve Step programs focusing on sexual addiction. S.L.A.A. includes love addiction, relationship, and sexual anorexia. Other “S” programs may also have different membership requirements and bottom line definitions. Hopefully, viewing their web sites can be sufficient enough for you to decide which program suits your needs the best. If not, try each of them out by going to the meetings near you.

How much does it cost to attend SLAA meetings?

There are no dues or fees for S.L.A.A. membership, according to Tradition 7. Typically, an offering basket is passed for voluntary contributions at meetings. A $1 or $2 donation is customary but not mandatory.

I don’t believe in God. Can I still go to SLAA meetings?

Yes. You are not required to believe in God to attend meetings. Twelve step programs are spiritual in nature and include the belief in a Higher Power, but are not affiliated with any religion, sect, or denomination. Your concept of a Higher Power can be whatever you want it to be. Some use the group itself as something more powerful than themselves.

How do I get a sponsor in SLAA?

It is recommended that you attend meetings regularly and listen attentively to those members who share and do service at your meetings. If there is someone with whom you share a common story, you respect their level of recovery or you think this person can be helpful to you in recovery, simply approach this person and ask him or her to be your sponsor. It is recommended that you do not choose a person of the same gender to which you are attracted.

Do I have to speak at a meeting?

No, you don’t have to share anything unless you want to. You may be asked your first name, just to identify yourself as or to other newcomers.

Are there telephone meetings for SLAA?

Yes. Telephone meetings are a great way to supplement your process – especially when getting to physical meetings is challenging in your area. Check out the information at

Who attends S.L.A.A. meetings? What kind of people?

People who have a desire to stop living out a pattern of sex and love addiction. This addiction can take many forms, including but not limited to, a compulsive need for sex, extreme dependency on one person (or many), and/or a chronic preoccupation with romance, intrigue,and fantasy. Sex and love addiction may also take the form of anorexia, a compulsive avoidance of giving or receiving social, sexual, or emotional nourishment. We are united in a common focus: dealing with our addictive sexual and emotional behavior which renders any personal differences of sexual or gender orientation irrelevant.